1975 track & field team

1975 track & field team
LC Subject
Chriss, Michael N Johnson, Bradley Daggatt, Scott Wolman, Francois Bence, Stephen Sievers, Gary Williams, Terry R. Feig, Mark T. Barger, Gary Woodman, John R. Brougher, Gary J. Hurst, Larry Smith, Robert S. Moore, Randall L. Goodrich, Christopher A. Taylor, Dave McChesney, Thomas A. Reeves, Michael C. Fries, Gregory S. Sirvis, Gary Spir, Peter C. Monaghan, Randy Dukowski, Albin G. Farmer, Teddy Arnold, Bruce C. Acker, Phil Carl, Frederick G. Werner, Pete Holloway, James N. Bowen, Dacre J. Alton, David W. Grover, Michael W. Curry, Robert E. Eklund, Carl V. Dellinger, Bill Fix, Dave Banich, Howard Burton, Ray E. Perkins, Richard L. Bolliger, Michael E. Carter, Jeff Hill, Bruce Bender, John Kaupang, Lars M. Bilusak, Edward J. Hatfield, Tinker L. Hagmeier, David W. Brathwaite, Christopher Carew, Benedict Gary Baugh, Andre Whigham, Stanley T. Davis, Agustas Denzi Wooten, Duran Malcolm, Howard Warren, Dale Voorhees, David W. Track and field athletes Track and field coaches African American athletes King, Charles F.
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives
Black and white photo of the 1975 University of Oregon varsity track and field team take at Hayward Field. From left to right, front row: Brad Johnson, Chuck King, Scott Daggatt, Francois Wolman, Steve Bence, Gary Sievers, Terry Williams, Mark Feig, Gary Barger, John Woodman, Gary Brougher, Larry Hurst, Bob Smith, Randy Moore, Chris Goodrich, Dave Taylor, Tom McChesney and Mike Reeves. Middle row: Mike Chriss, Greg Fries, Gary Sirvis, Peter Spir, Randy Monaghan, Al Dukowski, Teddy Farmer, Bruce Arnold, Phil Acker, Fred Carl, Pete Werner, James Holloway, Dacre Bowen, Dave Alton, Mike Grover, Robert Curry and Carl Eklund. Back row: Bill Dellinger, Dave Fix, Howard Banich, Ray Burton, Rich Perkins, Mike Bolliger, Jeff Carter, Bruce Hill, John Bender, Lars Kaupang, Ed Bilusak, Tinker Hatfield, Dave Hagmeier, Chris Brathwaite, Gary Carew, Andre Baugh, Stan Whigham, Denzil Davis, Duran Wooten, Howard Malcolm, Dale Warren, Dave Voorhees, Paul Geis, Frank Morris and Tom Lionvale. Picture appears on page 179 of the 1975 Oregana.
Eugene >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States Hayward Field >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States
In Copyright
Rights Holder
University of Oregon
Local Collection Name
University Photographic Collection
Box Number
Folder Number
Track and Field-Mens, 1970s
UO Athletics
Primary Set
UO Athletics
University of Oregon
Image Width
Image Height
Image Resolution
125 dpi
Color Space
8 bit -- RGB -- sRGB IEC61966-2.1
File Size
769.328 KB