C-13. Log Cradle where ocean going log rafts are built on Coumbia River

C-13. Log Cradle where ocean going log rafts are built on Coumbia River
LC Subject
Shipbuilding Timber--Rafting Northwest, Pacific Photography
Local Collection ID
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives
A black-and-white photo with white text written at the bottom: "C-13. Log cradle where ocean going log rafts are built on Columbia River". The photograph shows a framework of upright posts held together with boards connecting the tops of the posts. A second set of boards runs along the posts just above the water. Each post also has a board bolted to each side about five feet above the water, and these boards slant down diagonally into the river. The "cradle" appears to be put together in long sections, with gaps between the sections. In the center of the picture the area in between the slanting sides of the "cradle" is filled with logs lying end to end in the water. Some of the logs still retain bark and moss, and others are smooth. Two people are standing on logs, one on each side of the "cradle". The man on the right wears a hat, suit, light shirt, and tie, and seems to have his hands in his pocket. The other person is all in dark colors and does not appear to be wearing a hat. Not far beyond him the water in the "cradle" is empty of logs. To the left of the image is a line of trees near the water.
Columbia River >> Douglas County >> Washington >> United States Washington >> United States Oregon >> United States
No Copyright - United States
Local Collection Name
Print Collection
Western Waters Digital Library
Primary Set
Western Waters Digital Library
Has Version
Archived tiff -- PH035_9398.tif -- 16 bit, Gray Gamma 2.2 -- 6456 x 4022 pixels -- 1200 dpi -- 51,945,624 bytes //Production tiff -- PH035_9398jc.tif -- 16 bit, Gray Gamma 2.2 -- 6456 x 4022 pixels -- 1200 dpi -- 207,744,664 bytes //
University of Oregon
Image Width
875 pixels
Image Height
545 pixels
Image Resolution
125 dpi
Color Space
8 bit -- RGB -- sRGB IEC61966-2.1
File Size
109,536 bytes