Children's Farm Home School (Corvallis, Oregon)

Children's Farm Home School (Corvallis, Oregon)
Children's Farm Home School (Corvallis, Oregon)
LC Subject
Architecture, American Architecture--United States
DeYoung & Roald Roald, Knud A. DeYoung, James W. Travler, L. N.
Liz Carter
Creator Display
DeYoung & Roald (architecture firm, 1920-1930) James W. DeYoung (architect, 1885-1968) Knud A. Roald (architect, 1878-1965) L. N. Travler (builder/contractor)
National Register of Historic Places
exterior: west (front) and south (side) elevations. View looking northeast
Design Library, University of Oregon Libraries
Style Period
Georgian Revival
Work Type
architecture (object genre) built works views (visual works) exterior views private schools (buildings)
Benton County >> Oregon >> United States Oregon >> United States United States Corvallis >> Benton County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
4455 Highway 20 Northeast
View Date
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Rights Holder
Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
Building Oregon
Primary Set
Building Oregon
University of Oregon
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
From the National Register nomination, Conclusion: 'The Children's Farm Home School has a significant place in the twentieth century social welfare history of Oregon. It exemplifies the educational efforts undertaken by the Women's Christian Temperance Union as part of their program for providing welfare services for homeless children. The building served as the focal point not only for educational services and vocation training, but for social activities on the campus as well. The development of the Children's Farm Home was the most notable project undertaken by the Oregon WCTU. The facility was conceived, developed, financed (by their fundraising efforts), and managed by the WCTU for 40 years. During this time, more than 3,500 children benefited from the services provided by the facility, including the school building. The Children's Farm Home is one of only a few residential facilities that were developed in Oregon during the early twentieth century to address the needs of homeless children and the only one that was intended to provide a "home environment" for children of all ages throughout their childhoods (there was no expectation that the children should be adopted). It was also the only institution that provided an educational facility on campus. The Albertina Kerr Nursery in Portland (listed on the National Register in 1979) was developed in 1921 to care for abandoned infants, infants of unwed mothers, and infants who required care while their mothers worked to support their family. It was an outgrowth of the pioneering social work of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society, but provided services only for children to the age of three. The St. Agnes Foundling Asylum, near Oregon City, provided shelter for children to the age of seven who were awaiting adoption. The Christie Home for Orphan Girls was located near Portland, but offered residential services only to girls between the ages of 6 and 16. The Oregon Masonic association built a "Children's Cottage" in 1926 on the site of the new Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, intended to house orphans of Masons, but closed in 1928 due to problems with providing for the needs of the children. The Children's Farm Home School, which retains a high degree of historic integrity, has come to symbolize the work of the WCTU and the Children's Farm Home. ' This image was included in the documentation to support a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, a program of the National Park Service. The image is provided here by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office and the University of Oregon Libraries to facilitate scholarship, research, and teaching. Please credit the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office when using this image. For other uses, such as publication, contact the State Historic Preservation Office.