Gray School (Portland, Oregon)

Gray School (Portland, Oregon)
LC Subject
Architecture, American Architecture--United States
Robert Gray Middle School (Portland, Oregon)
Freeman Hayslip & Tuft Freeman, Claud N. Hayslip, Sydney B. Tuft, Stewart
Creator Display
Freeman, Hayslip, Tuft & Hewlett (architecture firm, 1957-1957) Claud N. Freeman (architect, 1885-1964) Sydney B. Hayslip (architect, 1899-1967) Stewart Tuft (architect, 1906-1978)
This image is included in Building Oregon: Architecture of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, a digital collection which provides documentation about the architectural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Historic Site Form. Prepared by Iris Eschen.
University of Oregon Libraries
Style Period
International Style (modern European architecture style)
Work Type
architecture (object genre) built works views (visual works) exterior views public schools (buildings) rooms (interior spaces) architectural drawings (visual works) plans (orthographic projections) plans, floor
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Building Oregon
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Building Oregon
University of Oregon
PPS Historic Building Assessment 2009
Oregon Historic Site Form Gray School 5505 23rd Ave Portland, Multnomah County block nbr: lot nbr: tax lot nbr: township: range: section: 1/ 4: LOCATION AND PROPERTY NAME elig. evaluation: eligible/ contributing primary orig use: School secondary orig use: primary style: International secondary style: primary siding: Standard Brick secondary siding: plan type: School ( General) Portland historic name: Gray School primary constr date: 1952 secondary date: height (# stories): 1 total # ineligible resources: 1 ( optional-- use for major addns) current/ other names: Robert Gray Middle School ( c.) ( c.) orig use comments: prim style comments: sec style comments: location descr: assoc addresses: vcnty address: ( remote sites) siding comments: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS farmstead/ cluster name: zip: total # eligible resources: 1 apprx. addrs resource type: Building NR status: RLS survey date: 7/ 10/ 2009 external site #: 158 ( ID# used in city/ agency database) survey project name or other grouping name comments/ notes: ILS survey date: 7/ 10/ 2009 Gen File date: SHPO INFO FOR THIS PROPERTY NR date listed: GROUPINGS / ASSOCIATIONS Optional Information 5505 SW 23rd Ave Multnomah County ( former addresses, intersections, etc.) architect: Freeman, Hayslip & Tuft builder: NR date listed: ( indiv listed only; see Grouping for hist dist) 106 Project( s) PPS Historic Building Assessment 2009 Survey & Inventory Project Principal Entrance, looking west. Printed on: 10/ 14/ 2009 Page 1 of 3 Oregon Historic Site Form Gray School 5505 23rd Ave Portland, Multnomah County ARCHITECTURAL / PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ( Include expanded description of the building/ property, setting, significant landscape features, outbuildings, and alterations) HISTORY ( Chronological, descriptive history of the property from its construction through at least the historic period [ preferably to the present]) Description Summary Situated in the Hillsdale neighborhood of southwest Portland, Robert Gray Middle School is located at 5505 SW 23rd Avenue. Facilities on the 13.23- acre campus include the primary school building ( 158A) and a covered playshed ( 158B). The finger type plan school building exhibits some characteristics of the International style. The wings that comprise the U- shaped building are covered by a mixture of moderately pitched gable and flat roofs. The school is set into the crest of a hill with an upper rectangular wing that faces SW 23rd Avenue. The basement level consists of two rectangular wings joined by a crawl space. Cladding for the wood frame structure consists of a mixture of brick veneer, concrete, and horizontal board siding. The school facilities include classrooms, a gymnasium, a cafeteria, media center/ library, home economics, music room, and an administrative office. Architectural Description Situated in the Hillsdale neighborhood of southwest Portland, Gray Middle School is located at 5505 SW 23rd Avenue. Development in the surrounding neighborhood consists primarily of large residential lots set amidst the hills of southwest Portland. Grass covered playfields are located to the north and west of the school. An asphalt- covered play area is located to the south of the school building. The primary entry to the campus is from SW 23rd Avenue. The school is approached from the east side and rests on a poured concrete foundation. The gable and flat roofs are covered by composition roofing material. Brick veneer is the primary siding, with horizontal boards located below the gable ends of the building. Fenestration consists of a mixture of metal and wood frame windows. The primary unit of fenestration for the classrooms consists of an upper panel of glass block with an operable hopper below. The finger- type building plan exhibits some characteristics of the International style, most notably the flat roofs, glass block, and use of massing to express the varied functions of the building. A projecting flat roof provides a cover for the principal entry into the school. A panel of variegated stone to the north provides additional decoration for the entry. The entry lobby is illuminated by the windows that surround the pair of aluminum doors. The walls of the lobby feature a mixture of variegated stone and wood paneling. The corridor walls are covered with ceramic tile. A double loaded corridor extends north and south from the lobby and features walls covered with ceramic tile. The school is divided into two parallel wings. The primary classroom areas are located in the upper story of the east wing, the public spaces are located in the central portion of the U-shaped plan, and additional classrooms are housed in the finger that occupies the lower slope of the campus. The corridors feature a ceramic tile wainscot, 12