- Title
- LC Subject
Painting, Abstract
painting (image-making)
paintings (visual works)
- Creator
Cooke, Judy
- Description
A long beige hat-shaped piece of wood with an orange rectangle on the right side, with an open book in the middle. The right side of the orange rectangle is a shape painted in black.
Judy Cooke; Hawthorne/Book; 1994; Alkyd, wax, oil, wood; 10x31x2 inches; Elizabeth Leach Gallery; 207 S.W. Pine Street Portland Oregon 97204; 503-224-0521
The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Regional Arts & Culture
- View
- Location
Oregon Health and Science University >> Multnomah County >> Oregon >> United States
Multnomah County >> Oregon >> United States
- Street Address
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland Oregon
- Date
- Identifier
- Accession Number
- Rights
In Copyright
- Dc Rights Holder
Cooke, Judy
- Type
- Format
- Measurements
10 x 31 x 2 inches
- Material
oil, wax, alkyd on wood
- Set
Oregon Percent for Art
- Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
- Relation
1995 Oregon Health Sciences University. Artists A-H, Portland Oregon
- Has Version
slide; color
- Institution
Oregon Arts Commission
University of Oregon
- Note
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) was formed in 1974 as the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center. It was renamed Oregon Health Sciences University in 1981 and took its current name in 2001, as part of a merger with the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology in Beaverton.For a map of OHSU's Marquam Campus, see http://www.ohsu.edu/about/campusmap.pdf
- Color Space
- Biographical Information
The depiction of the soul as a winged iconographic figure appears on many 18th century New England grave stones. Most of these paintings evolved from studying those images which are carved on slate. The concurrence of a Sabbatical from the Pacific Northwest College of Art, and the Bonnie Bronson Fellowship Award allowed for time and travel funds to New England. I am grateful for this assistance. (Cooke, 1995)