Midmorning Mares Tails

Midmorning Mares Tails
LC Subject
Landscape painting Painting Watercolorists Watercolor painting Art, Abstract water-colors (paintings) watercolor (paint) painting (image-making) paintings (visual works)
Buchanan, Caroline
Washes of blue, purple, and pink create a landscape view with a ridgeline in the middle ground. Yellow and orange create an impression of a layer of earth in the foreground. #3 Klamath Basin Series; Midmorning Mares Tails; watercolor; 22x 30 1981; Caroline Buchanan; Rt 1 Box 2815; Corvallis OR 97330 watercolors@rockisland.com For more information and images from this artist, please visit: http://www.buchananwatercolors.com/ The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: The Council for this location is Arts Central. You may view their website at http://centraloregonarts.com
3 of 6 in a series
Shaw Historical Library >> Klamath County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
(main campus) 3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Award Date
Accession Number
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
Buchanan, Caroline
22 x 30 inches
Painting watercolor
Oregon Percent for Art
Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
1981 Oregon Institute of Technology Library 1981_oit_library
Art Series
Klamath Basin Series
Has Version
slide; color
Oregon Arts Commission University of Oregon
You may access a pdf campus map at http://www.oit.edu/adx/aspx/adxGetMedia.aspx?DocID=4420,2,1,Documents&MediaID=1783&Filename=CampusMapFinal.pdf right of entrance, near card catalog
Color Space
Biographical Information
The Klamath Basin Series was the first phase of a proposal of Icarus' flight to the sun. It starts pre-dawn by the shores of Lake Klamath with the setting moon over the water. It sweeps south, along the west side of the basin, through dawn's light, mid morning with mares tails forming over the swamp, across the fields at midday with cumulous clouds developing. These clouds continue to roll as showers can be spotted across the late afternoon landscape. The clouds dissolve into a sunset over Mt. Shasta. During this sweep through time and changing light, the spectator is also becoming airborne. At the start of the series one is on the shores of the lake. By the Shasta painting, the eye level is on the level of Shasta, with the fields far below. The change is effected by a 5 cm drop of the horizon from painting to painting and a corresponding change in scale. In technique, the paintings were done with repeated wet glazes. The paper was soaked and unmixed color applied. It was then dried, bonding the paint into the fabric of the paper. It was then soaked again and another color applied. This process was repeated up to fifteen times per painting. The colors are thus mixed in the eye of the spectator. For example one can see a red-orange green, but if those colors were mixed before being applied one would have mud. Icarus' Flight was an early technological achievement and perhaps a fitting subject for a technological institution. The library is the place where dreams and facts are brought together. Each student coming there is standing at the shore at the beginning of his/her own flight. By combining technological knowledge and creative thinking each of us can dare to fly to the sun! (Buchanan, 1981).