Untitled (Quaempts)

Untitled (Quaempts)
LC Subject
Drawing Landscape drawing drawing (image-making) freehand drawings (drawings)
Quaempts, Peter S.
A black-and-white drawing of the type of plains land prevalent in eastern Oregon. Peter S. Quaempts; Untitled; pencil on paper; 22.25 X 22.25 inches; Pendelton Employment Bldg. Peter S. Quaempts was enrolled Yakama Tribe, but born, raised and died in the same family home in Gibbon, Oregon on the Umatilla Reservation. Son of William (Yakama) and Annie (Hall) Quaempts (Cayuse, Walla Walla, Umatilla), his Indian name was Tiichum Nashat, which translates as "earth thunder," or "like a loud noise [as] from lightening hitting the earth." In February of 1994, at the age of 56, Quaempts died at the family home located in the mountains. His artistry reflects his environment: the landscape in his drawing "Evening Winds" is similar to the landscape behind the house. "My father was very private; [he] did not show his works. He created something every single day of his life, whether with his hands [by] writing, drawing, painting or sculpting...[he was] a True Artist. His philosophy was art was very individual. He would ask you 'what does it mean to you?' He knew what it meant to him. He also said, 'Culture is the knowledge of the implication of symbols,' and would depict many symbols in his art work that a person wouldn't understand unless you were a part of that Indian culture or had some identity to that." He lectured and taught art for many years. He graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Arts, Seattle University with a Masters in Fine Arts, and taught at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande and Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton, Oregon. "He was the father of four children and the greatest artist in the world." (biography provided with permission by Kathryn Quaempts Burke, 2007) The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Eastern Oregon Regional Arts. You may view their website at http://www.artseast.org/
Pendleton WorkSource Center >> Umatilla County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
408 S. E. 7th Street, Pendleton Oregon
Award Date
Accession Number
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
Quaempts, Peter S.
22.25 X 22.25 inches
Drawing pencil on paper
Oregon Percent for Art
Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
1980 Pendleton Employment Office 1980_pendelton_employ_office
Has Version
slide; color
Oregon Arts Commission University of Oregon
right of entrance
Color Space