Untitled (Simpson)

Untitled (Simpson)
LC Subject
Outdoor sculpture Recycled products Benches Sculpture sculpture (visual work) public sculpture outdoor sculpture found object sculpture
Simpson, Buster
A series of benches constructed in a variegated gray and black material. The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
Hamilton Complex, University Housing >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States Lane County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
13th Avenue and Agate Street, Eugene Oregon
Award Date
Accession Number
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
Simpson, Buster
Sculpture recycled material
Oregon Percent for Art
Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
1993 University of Oregon Hamilton Hall 1993_uo_hamilton_hall
Has Version
photocopy; color
Oregon Arts Commission University of Oregon
In August 1993, Buster Simpson visited the Hamilton Hall site and the University of Oregon. A series of courses over one year involving the School of Architecture and Allied Arts were proposed. These credit courses would involve students and the artist designing a piece of public art for the Hamilton Hall Complex. Rather than the courses, a series of workshops occurred. After the workshops the students and the artist proposed a wire mesh tube in which foliage would grow around and through the piece. The proposed location near the entrance to the dining hall was rejected because of student safety concerns. The panel made recommendations for changes concerning safety and sanitation, but none were followed. The grounds crew and housing felt that students would not want to go near this area because of a perceived safety risk. They were most concerned about the female students, as this design could be a possible hiding area. Since all the money had been spent on the courses, housing scrambled to come up with an alternative art piece. The final piece, a set of recycled benches was created by the artist and the students. The original proposed site by the dining hall was rejected and the artwork was placed by the dormitory. Since that time the piece has been moved several times and is presently located outside of the Hamilton Hall Dining area. An interactive campus map of the University of Oregon may be viewed at: http://map.uoregon.edu/ outside Hamilton Hall dining area
Color Space