Starts and Stops

Starts and Stops
LC Subject
Painting Art, Abstract Public art painting (image-making) paintings (visual works) oil paintings (visual works)
Prochaska, Thomas
This abstract painting appears to depict a city street scene obscured by the method of paint application. Colors used include yellow, red, blue, black, and shades of neutral tones. T. Prochaska; Starts and Stops; 24 x 32 inches; oil; 1993 Artist Thomas Prochaska grew up drawing and sketching in Illinois, and then earned a degree in Art Education from the University of Wisconsin. A full scholarship to the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn found him studying printmaking and painting. After a couple of years of teaching at Pratt Graphics Center and at the University of Georgia, he followed his love for printmaking — and his Swiss girlfriend — to Europe. “That’s where I learned the most about printmaking, doing it every day and doing it in a real practical manner… in Switzerland, in a tiny town, St.Prix.” When visa problems sent him back to the U.S., he taught at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, visiting family in Oregon during the summers. “And so I fell in love with Portland,” he sighs with a smile. “I went from being a Department Chairman to being in the Saturday Market.” His woodcuts of trout and salmon — “I also came here for the fishing,” he adds — were eventually licensed for use on T-shirts. Popular ones. “That made me feel real happy because it was people’s art, art away from institutions,” Tom says. “In some ways, that was the most satisfying work I’ve ever done, because people wore them.” (excerpt from biography at The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is Lane Arts. You may view their website at
University of Oregon Library >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States Lane County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
1501 Kincaid Street, Eugene Oregon
Accession Number
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
Prochaska, Thomas
32 x 24 inches
Painting oil painting on birch plywood, oil base gesso
Oregon Percent for Art
Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
University of Oregon Knight Library, Phases I and II 1993_uo_knight-lib2
Has Version
slide; color
Oregon Arts Commission University of Oregon
The Knight Library is the largest library facility in Oregon, holding collections with a replacement value of over $100 million. Approximately 1.85 million of the University Library's 2.4 million volumes are housed in Knight, along with microforms, government documents, sound recordings, films, and videotapes. Special Collections contains over 40,000 rare books and 13,000 linear feet of manuscript holdings; much of this primary source material is unique and irreplaceable at any price. The building is named in honor of the family of Philip Knight, President and CEO of Nike, Inc. east hall by Daily Grind
Color Space
Biographical Information
Starts and Stops had many starts and stops in its finding of itself. The process of painting is the discovery of the subject in the qualities of the paint, the materials. (Prochaska, 1995).