
LC Subject
Paper art Papermaking mixed media papermaking
Pobanz, Nancy
Imposition detail shows a closer view of the individual squares of hand-made paper and mixed media that comprise the larger square of the entire piece. Imposition; #1 The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is Lane Arts. You may view their website at
William W. Knight Law Center >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States Lane County >> Oregon >> United States
Street Address
1515 Agate Street, Eugene Oregon
Award Date
Accession Number
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
Pobanz, Nancy
49 x 50 inches
Mixed media; Paper work; handmade straw paper; twisted handmade papers; pencil, wire, acrylic matte medium
Oregon Percent for Art
Primary Set
Oregon Percent for Art
1998-1999 University of Oregon Knight Law Center moveable and integrated artwork 1998_uo_knight-law
Has Version
slide; color
Oregon Arts Commission University of Oregon
An interactive campus map of the University of Oregon may be viewed at: first floor, in front of Wayne Morse Commons area
Color Space
Biographical Information
Papermaking, journal-writing, and a need to make my own art materials coalesced in mixed media collage when I was laid up and frustrated with an injury that occurred in December 1994. In my journal, I expressed anger and negative thoughts; to purge myself of those thoughts, 1 began to cover my journal entries with cut and torn paper to make them. illegible. My intent was to leave enough evidence that the writing was there, but not enough to allow a reader to decipher the contents. " As the collages developed, working with other organic substances began to appeal to me: making inks from soil pigments and plant dyes to mix with my handmade papers; stitching with twisted paper as thread making wool felt to collage upon; and creating-different textures from the-paper pulp. -My selection of materials is based on color, texture, and blending characteristics - and earthiness. This work often comes together in a book format;- binding the book becomes an integrated element as well. Over time, the anger from the injury subsided but the catharsis from making these assemblages continues. -I use - the process to deal with the buildup of ordinary, daily challenges, finding it to be centering-and soul-satisfying. I was born and raised in Ontario, Oregon, and did not appreciate the desert landscape - while living there; in fact, l wanted desperately to live where it was green. It suddenly occurred to me eighteen months ago that that desert has subconsciously been a consistent influence for a long time.- I took a slow drive across the state, east-from Eugene_ on Highway 20 to my hometown of Ontario,- in order to revisit that landscape. Partway between the towns of Bend and Burns, I started collecting soil samples and taking photographs of the exposed landscape, the landscape which I now realize influences my , work so powerfully. Instead of the usual focused drive-just-to-get-home, I meandered, took frequent stops, gathered natural materials that have always been there but overlooked. For the first timed paid attention to what was so ordinary and expected and studied it with fresh eyes. The work for my current work is based on the outcome of that trip, combining the influence of the Oregon high desert with concealed journal writing. "Imposition" is an integral piece within this body of work, utilizing straw for making the paper (a common ranching and farming material). The time spent constructing this piece allowed me the opportunity to-focus on memories of growing up in a farming community, - to revive thoughts put aside and come to terms with them. In the end, the work takes on a life of it's own. (Pobanz, August 1999)