Nike and Warrior

Nike and Warrior
British Museum
Pelike Old Catalogue 721 Vase E379
Lykaon Painter
Lowenstam, Steven
Creator Display
attributed to Lykaon Painter (Greek vase painter, active ca. 450-420 BCE)
Pottery: red-figured pelike, with ribbed handles. (a) Nike pouring wine for a warrior. On the left, Nike, in a sleeved Ionic chiton, and over it a Doric chiton schistos with black border (cf. BM Vase Ε494), hair looped up with a fillet, and a caduceus in her left hand, looks down, pouring-wine from an oinochoe in her right hand; beside her is inscribed NIKF, Νίκη. In the centre a bearded warrior stands en face, but looks at Nike, holding out in his right a phiale (half broken away); on his left arm is a shield, the interior coloured black and decorated with a wreath; he wears a helmet with cheek-pieces lowered, decorated on the crown with a sea-horse, a sword hanging at his waist, and a mantle hanging over his arms; in his left hand is a spear, point downwards. On the right a bearded man, bald on the crown, Antandros, stands en face, but looking to the left; he is draped and wreathed, and wears shoes; his right hand rests on a crutch-staff. Above him is inscribed ΑΝΤΑΝΔΡΟΣ, Άντανδρος. On the left of the scene above Nike is inscribed EVAION KAΛΟΣ, Eύαίων καλός. (b) A king (?) and two women with armour. In the centre a bearded man, draped and wreathed with laurel, stands to right, holding upright in his right a sceptre. The woman on the right holds a sword by the sword-belt, the one on the left a tall crested helmet; each wears a long sleeved chiton and himation; the one on the right has a saccos, the other has her hair looped up with a fillet. Large style. Purple inscriptions and sword-belt. White is used for handles of swords and shield, for wreath on interior of shield, wreath of Antandros, sea-horse, and taenia in hand of one of the female figures in b. Brown inner markings. Eye in developed profile type. The edge of the hair and beard, and crest of helmet in a, are painted in brown. The shield and left arm of the warrior in a are drawn in bold foreshortening. Below, a continuous band, sets of three maeanders separated by dotted cross squares. Above a, a strip of alternate palmette and anthemion; above b, a strip of double palmettes set obliquely; below each handle, an ornament composed of seven palmettes. --The British Museum A Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum, London, William Nicol, 1851; Walters, H B; Forsdyke, E J; Smith, C H, Catalogue of Vases in the British Museum, I-IV, London, BMP, 1893
Attica, Central Greece and Euboea, Greece (creation) Nola, Campania, Italy (discovery)
ca. 440 BCE
Book 6 Parallels Iliad Book 2-16
Style Period
Red-figure Attic (Mainland Greek pottery styles)
Work Type
Item Locator
Box 2, Section 13
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
University of Oregon, Department of Classics
Local Collection Name
Steven Lowenstam Collection
Height: 46.3 cm
pottery | painted
Lowenstam Collection of Ancient Western Art and Archaeology
Primary Set
Lowenstam Collection of Ancient Western Art and Archaeology
University of Oregon
Cultural Context
Attic (culture)
Id Current Repository