[no caption] Steven Lowenstam Collection

[no caption] Steven Lowenstam Collection
British Museum
Lekythos Vase E588 (left) Old Catalogue 747, Vase E584 (center) Vase E643 (right)
Bowdoin Painter Painter of Palermo 4
Lowenstam, Steven
Creator Display
attributed to Bowdoin Painter (Attic vase painter, active ca. 500-ca. 475 BCE); attributed to Painter of Palermo 4 (Attic vase painter, active ca. 450-420 BCE)
On left is Lekythos, Vase E588 attributed to the Bowdoin Painter, created in 480-440 BCE, and measuring 13.335 cm in height. The vase was created in Attica, Central Greece and Euboea, Greece and is housed at British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom under Repository ID: 1851,0227.1. Pottery: red-figured lekythos. An owl to right looking back; behind, a tendril springing from the ground. The clay has been burnt to a pale ashen colour, and a foot in red clay, which does not belong, has been added. Drawing of good period. Below, key pattern; on the shoulder, a group of two palmettes, with one inverted between them, and two single palmettes; round the neck, rays. --The British Museum; In center is Lekythos, Old Catalogue 747, Vase E584 attributed to the Bowdoin Painter, created in 480-440 BCE, and measuring 29.21 cm in height. The vase was created in Attica, Central Greece and Euboea, Greece, discovered in Sicily, Italy and is housed at British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom under Repository ID: 1836,0224.70. Pottery: red-figured lekythos. Nike in a long undertied chiton, with hair falling loose (one tress in front of ear), fillet, and bracelets, flies to right, holding out in her right an oinochoe, in her left a phiale, from which wine flows on to a blazing altar having an Ionic capital, with three sashes attached to its shaft. Late and careless stage of severe style. Purple flames, wine, inscription and fillet. Below, pairs of maeander separated by black cross squares. On shoulder, which is left red, five black palmettes; round the neck, black rays. --The British Museum; On right is Lekythos, Vase E643 attributed to the Palermo Painter, created in 480-460 BCE, and measuring 29.21 cm in height. The vase was created in Attica, Central Greece and Euboea, Greece, discovered in Fikellura Cemetery, Tomb 43, Kámiros, Aegean Islands, Greece and is housed at British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom under Repository ID: 1864,1007.191.Pottery: red-figured lekythos. Nike, in long chiton, bordered mantle fastened on left shoulder, bracelets and fillet, hair falling loose down back, flies to right, holding phiale in left, and with right pouring wine from a jug over a blazing altar of a form developed from an Ionic capital, with necking of dots. The lower part of her legs and her feet are missing. Left-hand lower part of design missing. Late stage of severe style. Purple flame, inscription, wine, and ends of fillet. Eye in archaic type (inner angle open). Below, strip of maeander with red cross squares (mostly broken away). Round the neck, a band of rays. --The British Museum Walters, H B; Forsdyke, E J; Smith, C H, Catalogue of Vases in the British Museum, I-IV, London, BMP, 1893
Attica, Central Greece and Euboea, Greece (creation) Sicily, Italy (discovery) Fikellura Cemetery, Tomb 43, Kámiros, Aegean Islands, Greece (discovery)
480-440 BCE 480-460 BCE
Book 6 Parallels Iliad Book 2-16
Style Period
Red-figure Attic (Mainland Greek pottery styles)
Work Type
Item Locator
Box 2, Section 20
In Copyright
Dc Rights Holder
University of Oregon, Department of Classics
Local Collection Name
Steven Lowenstam Collection
Height: 13.335 cm; Height: 29.21 cm
pottery | painted
Lowenstam Collection of Ancient Western Art and Archaeology
Primary Set
Lowenstam Collection of Ancient Western Art and Archaeology
University of Oregon
Cultural Context
Attic (culture)
Id Current Repository
1851,0227.1; 1836,0224.70; 1864,1007.191