New arrivals at camp

New arrivals at camp
LC Subject
Armed Forces Soldiers
To those camps our selected representatives come: bankers, salesmen, artists, coal heavers, farmers, day laborers, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, all these classes and conditions, and take their position as equals. Later their ability, energy, and temperamental fitness will differentiate them into various ranks from privates to corporals and so on up without reference to what they were in private life. They first pass a series of physical examinations and mental tests by specialists and are separated into three general classes: Those fit for army service over there; those fit for domestic service but not for foreign, and those unavailable for either. It is the training of the first of these classes that we will now follow. After physical examination they are vaccinated and inoculated to guard against small pox and typhoid fever. The largest percentage of home sickness during the first two weeks in camp is doubtless due to the effects of these inoculations. The next step is to quarantine the new men for the next two weeks, which is not as bad as it sounds, for it merely means that they, possibly several thousand of them, will have to live separated from the rest of the soldiers until danger of their bringing contagious diseases with them is past.
Work Type
lantern slides
In Copyright
Local Collection Name
Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, 1900-1940 (P 217)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Primary Set
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Is Part Of
Set 1 - Making the American Army
Oregon State University