New recruits after a few weeks training

New recruits after a few weeks training
LC Subject
Armed Forces Soldiers
However, their training does not wait for quarantine but begins at once. At the quarter-master’s they are fitted with khaki suits, shoes, leggings, socks, underwear, shirts, blankets, etc. Next they are assigned to their beds in the barracks and taught how to make them up and turn the covers down just right. After a few days training a very decided change in their appearance takes place. No longer do they look like the string of marchers in a political rally, but like real soldiers. It is hard to realize that this is the same squad shown in the last picture, but a week or so later. The experience of a well paid traveling representative of an old and wealthy bond firm, whose wife came to visit him after he had been in camp several weeks is typical. He writes: “I shall never forget my wife’s surprise when she saw me. ‘Fred’ she cried, after I had kissed her, ‘You look magnificent! All your fleshiness is gone. You’re so tall and straight and brown. Your eyes are so clear and bright — Your arm is as hard as steel. You are a soldier, aren’t you?’“
Work Type
lantern slides
In Copyright
Local Collection Name
Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, 1900-1940 (P 217)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Primary Set
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Is Part Of
Set 1 - Making the American Army
Oregon State University