Field hospital practice

Field hospital practice
LC Subject
Armed Forces Soldiers
In connection with all our cantonments there are field hospitals arranged and managed as they would be on the battle front. As the training camp does not provide enough real emergency cases for training the hospital attendants, ambulance drivers and stretcher bearers, able bodied men submit to being carried on stretchers to the hospital tents where their imaginary wounds are treated with neatness and dispatch. The training and work of our army surgeons and hospitals corps wearing their insignia, the red cross, is worthy of a whole lecture. This single view will have to suffice at this time. It should be remarked, however, that our men whether in the training camps or on the other side, are receiving the best possible medical attention without distinction as to rank or previous position in the civil life. “The health conditions,” at these amps, to quote from ex-president Taft who made a tour of nearly all the cantonments, “Are so much better than they ever have been in the past, that while we should not abate our efforts to reduce disease, we certainly can felicitate ourselves and the War Department on the comparatively small percentage of deaths and illness.”
Work Type
lantern slides
In Copyright
Local Collection Name
Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, 1900-1940 (P 217)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Primary Set
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Is Part Of
Set 1 - Making the American Army
Oregon State University