The Scab Sheet, April 22, 1969

The Scab Sheet, April 22, 1969
LC Subject
Universities and colleges--Periodicals College students
Note: According to its publication date, this issue is the eighth issue to be published, however “Vol.I No.VI” is written on the cover (the font makes it look like Vol.II No. VII); however, the next issue claims to be number eight. To keep publication dates in order, we have relabeled this issue as VIII-A and issue VIII as VIII-B. Page 1 The title page depicts an ASOSU election ballot with such words as “conspiracy” and “smear” next to checkmarks. A large hand has stamped the word “FRAUD” on the ballot. Caricatures (identities unknown) are holding a pen and appear to have just voted on the ballot. Page 2 “ELECTION FRAUD” The recent student election for the ASOSU is called into question. Various prerequisites for positions are cited as examples of illegitimate proceedings involving students not matching the requirements for filled positions. The Student Activities Committee is accused of showing favoritism towards certain members of the administration. Also cited was the misprinting of some of the ballots, with some names left off. Other voter fraud is claimed. Continued on Page 3. Page 3 [no title] “ELECTION FRAUD” from Page 1 is concluded. “REESOR FIGHTS CONSPIRACY” Various obstacles of Reesor’s ASOSU Presidential campaign, mostly involving his eligibility, are recounted. Continued on Page 8. Page 4 “ASOSU ELECTIONS: 1969” The entire page is filled by drawings depicting various groups involved in the ASOSU elections in an unflattering mannor. Page 5 “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” Dirty politics and prejudiced rules are accused of tampering with the ASOSU elections. Various candidates, both winners and losers, are paraphrased (although with no identification of the individual paraphrased) regarding the allegedly fraudulent election. Various specific allegations are made regarding the level of fraud in the elections. Continued on Page 7. Page 6 [no title] Artwork depicts the Athletic Department, Administration, MU Director, “Corrupt Student Leaders,” and their hand-picked candidate standing over a pile of students with such names as “student voice,” “smear,” and “invalidated students.” The picture is captioned “THE BEST MAN WON.” Page 7 “David and Lisa” The film by Contemporary Films and Young Film Makers is advertised. [no title] Continuation of “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” on Page 5. Continued on Page 8. Page 8 [no title] Conclusion of “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” from Page 7. “REESOR FIGHTS CONSPIRACY (cont’d)” Conclusion of article on Page 3.
Scab Sheet ASOSU
Work Type
alternative publications
Corvallis >> Benton County >> Oregon >> United States
No Copyright - United States
Dc Rights Holder
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Place Of Publication
Corvallis >> Benton County >> Oregon >> United States
Local Collection Name
Underground Newspapers (PUB 013-3)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center Historical Publications of Oregon State University Oregon Multicultural Archives Oregon State University Student Protest and Underground Publications
Primary Set
Oregon State University Student Protest and Underground Publications
Oregon State University
Is Volume
Has Number