Lois Sather

Lois Sather
LC Subject
Universities and colleges--Faculty Portraits Food Industries Lois Sather McGill
Hise Studio
Lois Ann Sather (nee Young) was Assistant Food Technologist. She was born in 1923 in Wilsonville, Oregon. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Home Economics from OSC in 1945. She joined OSC in 1945 as a research assistant with the Food Technology Department, with a salary of $1800 per year. She left in 1948, and returned to the same position in 1952. After two years, she became Assistant Food Technologist with the rank of assistant professor in 1954, where she was in charge of the Flavorium, Food and Dairy Tech Department. She was also in charge of several significant flavor studies, studying the formulation of commercial food products and researched which factors influence consumer preferences for beef. Her lab developed new recipes for using dried apples, dried green beans, and dried cherries. Her work was considered expedient by the university, who felt that the “tremendous increase in the number of insecticides and fungicides,” made it necessary for the “Food Technology Department… to make numerous tests on the effect of these materials on flavor of crops treated with [pesticides].” Sather was a member of the National IFT committee on Flavor Evaluation Procedures, and published numerous publications, with titles such as “Flavor Studies of Ice Cream vs. Ice Milk by Student Flavor Panels,” and “Building Convenience into Green Beans.” She was a member of the Institute of Food Technologists and the American Home Economics Association, as well as Kappa Delta Sorority Alumnae Association, the Eastern Star, and Corvallis Parent-Teachers Association. She was married to Glenn V Sather in 1946, who owned and managed a Corvallis laundry and dry cleaning business. By 1958 they had three children: Craig (10), Ronald (8), and Larry (7).
Work Type
photographic prints photographs black-and-white photographs
In Copyright
Local Collection Name
President's Office Photographs, 1923-1998 (P 092)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center Historical Images of Oregon State University
Primary Set
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Oregon State University