Oral History Interview with Donella-Elizabeth Alston Cleveland

Oral History Interview with Donella-Elizabeth Alston Cleveland
LC Subject
Lesbianism Lesbian community
Local Collection ID
Coll 520
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives
Cleveland, Donella-Elizabeth Alston
Long, Linda, 1956- Raiskin, Judith L.
The Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project collection consists of interviews of 83 people for the Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project, conducted by Professor Judith Raiskin and Curator Linda Long at the University of Oregon starting in the summer of 2018.
Donella was born in Michigan in July 1967. She grew up in New Jersey, first in Englewood, where everyone on her block (save one), was African American, and then in the smaller town of Norwood, where her father was the first black postmaster. Growing up, she was very social and had lots of friends. When she was in college, she realized she was a lesbian. Later, she and a friend moved to Oregon, because they both wanted a change. They drove out to Oregon, and rented a house in Cottage Grove in 1992. She recalls this was during the campaign for Ballot Measure 9. Donella describes the lesbian social life, stores and cultural places in Eugene, such as Baba Yaga’s Dream coffee house, Mother Kali’s Books, and the publications The Women’s Press and The Lavender Network. At this time, Donella worked at several jobs. One was at a lumber mill and she describes an accident when she lost some of her fingers in a chop saw. She discusses being African American and living and working in white Eugene, where she experienced some racist incidents. She discusses working at the University of Oregon. She talks about working with NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) and at Mother Kali’s Books. She describes her interest in the theater and working with director Carol Dennis. She also talks about Betsy Brown, Gladys Campbell, Kendra Morrigan, and her partner Deb Cleveland. There were only about seven to ten black lesbians in town. She discusses gay marriage and her concerns about President Trump.
African Americans -- Oregon – Eugene; African Americans – New Jersey; Catholic Church; Feminist bookstores; Marriage equality; Theater – Oregon – Eugene; Sawmills – Oregon; United States Postal Service.
University of Oregon >> Lane County >> Oregon >> United States
In Copyright
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University of Oregon Libraries
Local Collection Name
Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project
Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project
Primary Set
Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project
University of Oregon