Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae cum Calendario (Book of Hours with Calendar) [001]

Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae cum Calendario (Book of Hours with Calendar) [001]
LC Subject
Manuscripts, Dutch
Item Locator
Eugene, OR, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon, MS 038.
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives
Catholic Church
Manuscript codex. Kalendar ff. 1-12b. The calendar does not include entries for every day of the year, and is approximately half full. Entries in red include St. Agnes, Landoald, Pancras, Boniface, Odulf, Martin, Laurence, Lambert, Remigius and Bavo, Gereon, Willibrord, Lebuin, Nicholas, Thomas, and Steven. St. Donatian was added in a later hand, suggesting the book was not originally made for Bruges usage. Saints such as Agnes, Odulf, Lebuin, and Willibrord point to the use of Utrecht (Lackaff, 1997, p. 3). Names of the months and saints are in a mix of Latin and Dutch. On the versos of January and December are two computation circles, one for finding the Dominical letters in the lunar month of 28 days (f. 1a), and the other for computing the golden number (f. 12r). Each figure includes on its outer, upper right edge the numerals m cccc lxxx iiij dating the ms to 1484 (Lackaff, 1997, p. 3) -- Hours of the Blessed Virgin, ff. 13-52. Compline is followed by 'Salve Regina' f. 49 -- Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany, ff. 53-76 -- Hours of the Cross, ff. 77-91 -- Hours of the Eternal Wisdom, and Trinity, ff. 92-132v -- Prayers to the Virgin and to St. Bernard and St. Thomas, ff. 133-138 -- Prayers of St. James, St. George, St. Augustin, St. Barbara, St. Sebastian, St. Nicholas, St. Anthony, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Margaret; All Saints and Angels, ff. 148-162v -- Vigelia, Office of the Dead etc., ff. 163-203v (with Lessons) -- Seven Prayers of St. Gregory, ff. 205-206. Collation: Quires of 8 plus 2 new flyleaves in front, 3 in back. No titles or signatures, leaves numbered in pencil 1-206. Decoration: Extensively decorated. Illumination is of high quality and originality but shows considerable wear from use. Binding: Modern conservator's binding in style of the period, dark brown leather over wood boards, four raised cords, front and back covers blind-tooled with a grid of vertical and horizontal lines. Gilt edges. Flyleaves of heavy modern paper. Script: Gothic minuscule in brown ink. First two pages have cursive inscription in Latin dated 1603.
The names Petrus Warimont and Franciscus Warimont, 1603, are written on the first flyleaf, with Donatus est hic liber Anna Elise De Coulons a Reverendissimo P. Warimont ... in Homborch anno domini 1603. (Possibly De Coulon, a river and region in France?) The 2nd fly leaf indicates ownership by another Petrus Warimont in 1674. Thomas Thorp of London obtained it from Kent. It was offered for sale at Sotheby's 11/13/1933, Lot 11 (per Jim Marrow, 1985). Given to the University of Oregon in honor of Irene Hamilton Burgess (wife of Edward Sandford Burgess). Donation/Purchase ; Julia Burgess, 1935-1942.
Work Type
Flanders >> Belgium
Item Locator
MS 038
No Copyright - United States
Dc Rights Holder
University of Oregon. Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with Special Collections & University Archives, University of Oregon Libraries. All requests for permission to publish collection materials must be submitted to Special Collections & University Archives.
Dutch | Flemish
University of Oregon Special Collections Manuscripts and Rare Books
University of Oregon
206 leaves ; 112 x 168 mm bound to 116 x 178 mm Single column, 19 lines each. Ruled in lead point or graphite. Some pricking marks visible at the bottom of most pages.