Detail of scene to right of large bull: three archers, two with long bows, two with horned headdresses, one also with large quiver and daluur shooting at fine, parcelled goat on left. Crude goat and larger horse possibly done later.
Variety of animals; stags with variety of antlers, ibex with large horns, two hunters. Scraped, rolled bedrock surface; natural pits have been enlarged artifically at some time in the past.
Detail of large hunting scene: three archers, upper one unfinished and executed with deeply gouged lines; archers on right and left shown in process of drawing their large bows. Archer on left carries a large quiver at his waist.
Surface high on eastern ridge of Shiveet Khairkhan with a variety of images: hunter, upper left, from the Bronze Age; two figures in combat, left (Bronze Age); large yak with load and goats (Late Bronze Age); stylized ibex with curled horn (Early Iron Age).