Marion County 4-H club members and leader are making a radio appearance. From left: Freddie Parker, 12; Mrs. Gay Fabry, leader; Charmaine Roguski, 13; Jerry Simmons, 13; and Kay Knickerbocker, 12, all of Salem, Oregon.
The photo shows the Union County 1st Place Holstein herd at the 1938? Oregon State Fair. From left to right: Bob Becker, Clayton Fox, Howard Smith, Vernon Stoddard, and Troy Becker. The cow's name second from left was Segis Inka Fobes Yeeman. It was owned by Clayton Fox.
Jess A. Hansen, Corvallis, of Hansen's Leghorn Farm, is shown presenting a prize cockerel to Marion county 4-H club member, Martha Harper Brooks. The cockrel was presented for the pen of best White Leghorn pullets at the 1948 State Fair.