Page 3 features photograph of a woman signed 'Carrie Jacobs-Bond 1908', with additional photographer's mark 'Gross, Chicago.'; inside back cover contains list of songs by Carrie Jacobs-Bond; back cover contains advertisement for four songs by composer; lyrics written in an exaggerated imitation of African-American dialect; plate number; A dark lament 3; vocal range is D4-G5
A colored consolation'--top of front cover; back cover contains advertisement for more songs by composer; lyrics written in an exaggerated imitation of African-American dialect; plate number Movin' in de bes' soci'ty; vocal range is C4-Eb5
Dedicated to Bessie'--top of page 3; back cover contains advertisement for more songs by composer; plate number Just by laughing.; vocal range is C4-D5
Back cover contains advertisement for more songs by composer; lyrics written in an exaggerated imitation of African-American dialect; plate number Is yo'? yo' is.; vocal range is D4-E5
Sung by Madame Schumann-Heink'--top of page 1; price indicated as 75ยข on page 1; page 2 is photograph of a woman with text 'To Carrie Jacobs-Bond/Many thanks for the lullaby, Schumann Heink'; page 7 is advertisement for 'The Birds' by Carrie Jacobs-Bond; back cover advertises more songs by composer; on page 4 plate number His Lullaby.- 2.; on page 6 plate number Longing.- 2.; vocal range of 'His lullaby' is Bb3-Eb5; vocal range of 'Longing' is C4-D5
from Seven songs/as unpretentious as the wild rose'--middle of front cover; vocal arrangement and range ('Low in Eb') indicated bottom left of cover page; inside cover contains advertisement for more songs by composer; page 1 is table of contents for larger work 'Seven songs'; vocal range indicated (Bb3-Ab4) indicated top of page 2; 'When performing this number on the air, kindly give credit to CARRIE JACOBS-BOND & SON'--bottom of page 2; pages 4-5 contain excerpts from more songs by composer; back cover has advertisement for 'Songs everybody sings' by composer; plate numberB. 149-2 (plate number B-149 Low on page 3); vocal range is Bb3-Ab4