Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "Carpenter in his geographical reader thus describes this kind of wagon: 'What is that squealing outside the market? It sounds like a pig in the hands of a butcher. They surely cannot kill hogs here in the midst of the city. It is only the creaking of a farm cart which is bringing wheat to the market. There it comes through the door. it has wheels eight feet in height, with hubs as big around as your waist, and an axle as thick as a telegraph pole. The cart has an arched cover of reeds over its bed. The kinds which have been sewed to the top are put there to keep the rain off the wheat. Such farm carts take the place of wagons throughout Argentina. they look very rude, but each cart will hold several tons--so much , indeed, that teams of twelve oxen are often hitched to one car.'"
Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "Most of those who have gone to live in Australia are English-speaking people, and they have discouraged the importation of Negroes from Africa and of laborers from India and China. More help is needed in order to develop the great resources of the country, but the white inhabitants prefer to develop them less rapidly and to keep the country for those who use the same language and have similar ideals of social, industrial, and political life. "
Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "A good macadamized road extends from Jaffa to Jerusalem. The section of road in the picture with its serpentine windings is six or eight miles from Jerusalem."
Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "Competent men not only shear the sheep but class and bale and fleeces. The wool is then taken to the railroad for transporting to the wool store."