Plot on left fertilized with nitrate of soda and plot on right with sulfate of ammonia. The two plots received exactly the same amount of nitrogen. The sulfate of ammonia also supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the remarkable influence of the sulfur in the sulfate of ammonia. Antelope Adobe soil.
Plot on left fertilized with nitrate of soda and plot on right with sulfate of ammonia. The two plots received exactly the same amount of nitrogen. The sulfate of ammonia also supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the remarkable influence of the sulfur in the sulfate of ammonia. Antelope Adobe soil.
Plot on left fertilized with nitrate of soda and plot on right with sulfate of ammonia. The two plots received exactly the same amount of nitrogen. The sulfate of ammonia also supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the remarkable influence of the sulfur in the sulfate of ammonia. Antelope Adobe soil.
Plot on left fertilized with nitrate of soda and plot on right with sulfate of ammonia. The two plots received exactly the same amount of nitrogen. The sulfate of ammonia also supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the remarkable influence of the sulfur in the sulfate of ammonia. Antelope Adobe soil.