Application and Permits to disinter 19 men: Wong Hun Yuen, Joong Chong, Lum Chong, Sam Dig, Chow Seung, Lum Yen Ying, Leong Sing, Lum Fong, Mock Mong, Wong Shell, Go Sai Kim, Lum Yoong Sing, Wong Suey, Lum Chick, Ah Dung, Lum Shun, Chow Shee Lan Heung, Lew Chee Marn, Ho Dock; two pages of notes regarding the disinterment (notes include text written in Chinese).
Letter by W. L. Sun, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) Secretary on American Relations, regarding the disinterment of four men in Oceanview Cemetery; Resolution No. 48-18 granting the CCBA permission to disinter; a page of notes related to the disinterment; Permits to disinter Charlie Lum alias Lum Gut, Hong D Du, Lum Sing, Sit Que.
Application, Permits, and Notes to disinter 21 men: Chum Lum, Chung Lung, Good Duck Lum, Hong Wong, Juan Leong, Jong Lee, Lin Lrong, Loy Lum, Mon We, Pong Wong, Woo Dong Shoo, Wong Chung, Wang Loo, Wing Mow, Wong Wing, Wong Lum, Yon Tom, Ying Lum, Yen Go Sun, Lee Joe, Lum On.