Bobby Hill, president of the Black Student Union, and University President Robert MacVicar prepare to cut the ribbon, officially opening OSU's Black Cultural Center. Looking on is Betty Griffin, assistant professor of education and chairperson of the Black Cultural Advisory Board. Photo was in the Oregon Stater issue, June 1975, vol.9 no.4, p. 4.
Officers to head Dad's Club activities for1978 were elected during Dad's Weekend. Norman Kennedy of Eugene is president, succeeding Roy Malo of Portland. The new officers are, front row, Don Blinkensop of Portland (left), vice president, and Kennedy, president. In the back row, from left, are Malo, member of the board of directors; Rodney Moore, Portland, secretary; and Robert Park, Hillsboro, treasurer.
OSU Dad's Club Officers and some of the directors meet before basketball game during Dad's weekend. Don Moore, Stan Christensen, Terry Elder, Roger Pellow, Ole Lillcoren, Dr. William Kean, Bob Hazen, Bob Warren, Virgil Cavagnaro, and LeRoy Warner