A detail view of the top two layers of the totem pole. The top part has a yellow and white sun above a red heart. The layer below it features a beaver with large white teeth., Clay Hoffman; kinetic totem, clayhoffman@verizon.net,, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
A detail view of the top two layers of the totem pole. The top section has a white moon and stars on it. The layer below it has a large bird with two fish next to it., Clay Hoffman; kinetic totem, clayhoffman@verizon.net,, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
A tall totem pole surrounded by grass, rocks and trees. The totem pole has four layers. The bottom layer has a snake and lizard on it; the layer above that has a large frog; above that is a bird; and the top features a moon and stars., Clay Hoffman; kinetic totem, clayhoffman@verizon.net,, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
Contextual view of a tall totem pole with four layers. The bottom layer depicts a centipede; the layer above it displays a large frog; above that is a bird and fish; and the top has a moon, stars and other patterns., Clay Hoffman; kinetic totem, clayhoffman@verizon.net,, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/