Title: Untitled. 28/150. Mexico. Two vertical colors, red and a dull leaders, are crossed by a heavy black horizontal line, which has two small area of color on top of it.
Latin America Print. Mexico. Title: "Opus V" 148/150. Abstract. Rectangle format. Greens and reds, and black. Center bottom a large red rectangle, abounded by three circles. Horizontal black stripe (irregular) runs across the top third of the design. A white area near the top center offset to the right.
Uruguay. Title: "La Fuerza del Caballo" 16/150. A speckled pink and blue sky, a hot air balloon, green mountains cleared fields, and bit of jungle, a helicopter, fantasy machines cutting down trees and clearing fields, an assortment of strange creatures at odds with and capturing a struggling rearing white horse. A satire on progress.
Title: "History of Printmaking: Hayten Discovers Viscosity". Humorous drawing in orange, blue, and brown. Several artist study discovering of viscosity printing.