Thomas G. Zinn was an Extension agent for multiple counties including Wasco, Gilliam, and Columbia County. Zinn received a B.S. in animal husbandry from OSU in 1956, then a M.S. in cereal production in 1978. From 1982-1993, Zinn was the Associate Director of the Extension Service.
Thomas G. Zinn was an Extension agent for multiple counties including Wasco, Gilliam, and Columbia County. Zinn received a B.S. in animal husbandry from OSU in 1956, then a M.S. in cereal production in 1978. From 1982-1993, Zinn was the Associate Director of the Extension Service.
Walter G. Schroeder held several positions in the Extension Service including Extension Agent-at-Large, Lane County Extension Agent, and Coos County Agricultural Agent. In 1977, Schroeder became the Curry County staff chair.