Men standing by a fence watching elk as they are unloaded from crates into a holding corral at Billy Meadows. The elk were part of a transplant program to bring a herd of elk from Yellowstone Park in Wyoming to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon.
A young calf elk laying in a corral waiting to be loaded into a boxcar used to transport elk from Saint Anthony, Idaho to Joseph, Oregon. The elk were part of a transplant program to bring a herd of elk from Yellowstone Park in Wyoming to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon.
A herd of elk standing in the snow at Billy Meadows after being released at the end of their journey from Wyoming. The elk were part of a transplant program to bring a herd of elk from Yellowstone Park in Wyoming to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon.
A herd of elk standing in the snow at Billy Meadows after being released at the end of their journey from Wyoming. The elk were part of a transplant program to bring a herd of elk from Yellowstone Park in Wyoming to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon.
Two elk (labeled as Nolan and Risne) loaded in an animal crate in the back of a wagon waiting to be transplanted in the Wallowa Mountains. Note on the envelope credits image to Vargore.