A view of one of the sides of the steel fence in a play area. The steel fence reveals objects and animals such as trees, giraffes, cats and deer., Most of Edwards' work takes a humorous and delighted look at life. Edwards works in many media- glass, enamel on steel, iron- and has produced many private and public commissions. He was a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship winner in 1981 (OAC documentation, 1990)., http://www.palmdesertartistregistry.com/garth_edwards.htm, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils, each serving one or more counties, that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
In this functional sculpture, three different- colored metal components repeat to form a fence on top of a concrete retaining wall. A brown section intertwines with a green section while variations in height in a gold section forms an undulation across the bottom of the fence., David Thompson; osu magruder hall; forged fence and gate; 2005, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Linn-Benton Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.artcentric.org/
This view presents context for the multiple bronze castings of birds and animals that dot the courtyard to the Columbia River Correctional Institution., "sightings"; Tom Askman; Columbia River corrections, (2006) Tom Askman is an art professor at Eastern Washington University., http://www.tomaskman.com/, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Regional Arts and Culture. Visit their website at: http://www.racc.org/
Two crate-like tables formed together on eight short legs. Two half-circle, crate-like objects stick out from the middle of both sides., brian@BrianSwansonArts.com, http://www.brianswansonarts.com/, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
Large, outdoor sculpture fabricated from stainless steel. The environment is reflected in the metal. In the background is a grassy area with trees. The sculpture sits on a flat closed-top concrete stand. Similar concrete planters surround the sculpture; each of the planters house a tree of unknown origin., Roger Barr; O-OH; printing plant, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may visit their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
This piece is located at the north facade of McKenzie Hall. Made of fabricated silicon bronze, this work relates to the interior piece, Blu Stratus., Eutectica Design; Lin Cook; Grayson Hall, Cook, whose company is called Eutectica Design (Monroe, Ore.) completed Untitled as a Percent for Art commission in December, 2000. In reference to this work, Cook states "as a hint of the larger piece inside, a small element of the larger sculpture is installed to the left of the main entry door" (Percent for Art documentation). The larger piece inside is entitled, Blu Stratus. Cook received a B.S. (Liberal Arts, 1979) and B.F.A. (1980) degrees from the University of Oregon. (resource obtained 2007-08-22 from http://libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/architecture/oregon/architects.html)., The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/
A steel sculpture piece exhbiting wave-like, or perhaps beach-grass shapes. The piece is entirely in a light gray with some dark gray shadows, emphasizing the curves and indentions., Beach Patterns; Bruce West; E.O.C.I.; 36 x 30 x 5 inches; stainless steel, From 1997 - 2005, Bruce West was Head of the Sculpture Department and Senior Lecturer at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon., The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Eastern Oregon Regional Arts. You may view their website at http://www.artseast.org/
This view depicts three of seven whimsical metal sculptures whose forms imply abstractions of cloven animals. Bright colors and bold shapes adorn the pieces., Barry Gunderson; pendleton critters; sculpture painted aluminum; eastern or training center, Barry Gunderson has been a Professor of Studio Art at Kenyon College, Ohio. He joined the department in 1974 after receiving his MFA from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He has taught all the sculpture courses in the Department from the intro level "Three Dimensional Design" to the more unusual courses such as "Art with a Function" and "Art with Four Legs." His work also deals with the third dimension from outdoor public commissions to smaller studio pieces. "Learning to be an artist is a very complex process. Learning to enjoy Art by trying to make it is also complex. Once it is started the process has to be practiced and explored - perhaps for a lifetime. As an Artist/Teacher I think it is important to share my studio trials and tribulations for art-making is always fun but rarely easy. It is also important to share the joys of this activity - those times when an idea in combination with carefully selected and worked materials yields a product I am proud to exhibit. It is also a joy to help students dig deeply into themselves, then to use all their energies and resourcefulness to create a work they never thought possible." (http://art.kenyon.edu/studioart/academicprogram/studenthandbook.htm), gunderson@kenyon.edu, http://art.kenyon.edu/studioart/facultypages/gunderson/gundersonart.htm, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Eastern Oregon Regional Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.artseast.org/
A close-up view of a kite sculpture with a wavy tail. The kite is red and orange with a blue and yellow shape layered on top. The kite is held up by a long pole., Cook received a B.S. (Liberal Arts, 1979) and B.F.A. (1980) degrees from the University of Oregon. (resource obtained 2007-08-22 from http://libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/architecture/oregon/architects.html)., The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils, each serving one or more counties, that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org/