Kronstad (1932-2000) came to Oregon State in 1959 as a doctoral student and remained as an instructor after completing his Ph.D. in 1963. He ultimately lead the Wheat Breeding Project, which developed many new varieties of wheat. During his career, Kronstad advised more than 100 graduate students from around the world. He retired in 1998.
Construction of the Horse Barn, December 11, 1924. The Horse Barn, built to replace the Octagonal Barn that had burned in September 1924, was very similar in style to the Beef Barn, constructed ten years prior. Both were designed by J. V. Bennes. The three men standing near the fence are D. J. Smith, of Washington State College; William J. Gilmore, Professor of Farm Mechanics at Oregon Agricultural College; and William A. Jensen, OAC's Executive Secretary. The barn, located on Campus Way between 30th and 35th Streets, was torn down in 1971.
Large crops of beans were handled with assistance from professional and business men. Their shifts lasted from 7-11 p.m.. County school superintendent L. C. Moffitt is shown here trucking bean crates.
The rubber vacuum tube in Jim Olson's hands carries a powerful suction generated by a motor-driven fan. As the end of the tube is moved rapidly back and forth among the vines, the cranberries are knocked loose and drawn into the machine through the vacuum.