Don Misael Rojas is originally from Veracruz, Mexico. His story focuses on his relationship with his mother and the themes of equality and social justice. While in Mexico he participated in several social justice movements and has continued to participate in activism while in Oregon. He is a member of PCUN, and plays a vital role in the Wage Theft campaign.
A black-and-white photograph depicting an older man wearing a rain jacket and a dirty face, sitting in a space cordoned off by a string of chain. Another, younger man sits in the background, slightly out of foucs., Carrasco has photographed in Oregon, Mexico and Europe; she has photographed Chicano, Indian and Russian families. She was the editor of a US government newspaper for migrant farmworkers, many of whom were Mexicans, in Oregon. She felt very strongly about,, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: