Pages are made of graphed newsprint, and have evenly spaced typewritten text, without spaces or punctuation. Juxtaposed and overlayed are morse code, brail and various symbols. Includes two unbound leaves containing Morse and Braile translations
The artists wrote more than 200 letters between 1995 and 96, implying that the recipient (mostly famous people, companies, organizations, and governments) had stolen ideas from their dreams and asking for recompensation. This book contains facsimilies of all the letters, which grow stranger and more absurd as you continue. A darkly amusing look at the commodification of the modern world. It is interesting to consider how the form of the business letter becomes an "image" which influences the way we read these letters.
Issued in a set of three books; Book 1 (Geography) is accompanied by 8 collectors' stamps in envelope. Book 2 (Geneology) has an envelope in the back and has hard covers to protect the computer disk for Swallows (electronic mythology for an audience of one -- a program on computer disk for use on Apple IIe of II+ computer) which is in the envelope along with 32 collectors' stamps in a separate envelope. Book 3 (The History of the H Tabernacle in Exile) is accompanied by 32 collectors' stamps in an envelope; Black and white text and imagery except Bk 1 which has some color
Artist's book consisting of color photographs of the letter S on the covers of books;Title and statement of responsibility from colophon; Photography by Paul Ruscha
72 p. Commercially produced hardcover book, bound with grey book cloth, containing text and artists' stamps, inspired by postage stamps. Each artist contributed a perforated sheet of stamps, which are layered between two sheets of vellum paper. The image, without perforation, is reproduced on the following page.