A combination of drawn aspen trees and photographed aspen trees., Aspen Stand II, mixed media collage; fragments; 42 x 24 inches, Terri Warpinski has been a professor of art at the University of Oregon since 1984, where she also served in administrative positions such as Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and Community Engagement. Warpinski's images reflect her reverence for the Western Landscape and her interest in the traces of human connection with this landscape. Warpinski invests her images with a strong belief in the environmental movement: "Art, literature and Theater can gather people around an issue in an uplifting way. It's not being irresponsible or ignoring the seriousness of things. Neither is it preaching to the converted. In my experience art can reach the spirit of people in a deeper way than a purely analytical approach..." Warpinski's projects include a series on aboriginal rock art in Australia, works inspired by her field notebooks, hand-colored black and white photographs, and large-format collages which include the Fragments series images that are now a part of this collection., tlw@uoregon.edu, http://www.terriwarpinski.com/, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is Lane Arts. You may view their website at http://www.lanearts.org