Fine bull or yak with lowered head and round horns on cracked and abraded outcrop. Uneven coloration reflects the transitional process of re-patination and is typical of images from this period.
Dog confronting a plantigrade bull; bear above and a small stag below, uncertain animal on left. On variegated vertical surface. Note that the small stag was pecked over the area from which the original surface fell out.
Large scraped and polished outcrop with domestic scene of a woman leading two huge bulls, a small dwelling, and various other animals. View here is to the north, toward Shiveet Khairkhan.
Central group in ""Wild Bull Panel"": large bull yak in center, smaller unfinished cow yak behind, small yak in front. Large bull surrounded by five small figures thrusting spears at bull, including one small figure between the horns of the animal. Pecking dense, fine, best seen in glare.
Detail of section above scene of wild bull hunt: several figures in combat (?) with a large, bulky figure in center, possibly a giant. Below, a small striped bull or cow. At bottom, bovid with large round horn behind the ""wild bull"". Smooth, cracked and pitted, reddish surface