Black and white photo of the 1934 University of Oregon freshman basketball team taken next to McArthur Court. Coach Gene Shields is in the back row at far left. Picture appears on page 180 of the 1934 Oregana.
Black and white photo of the 1935 University of Oregon track team taken at Hayward Field. From left to right, back row: Coach Bill Hayward, Bud Shoemake, Chan Berry, Gilbert Schultz, Marvin Janak, Fred Nowland, Dale Hardisty, Milo Lacey, Ken Woods. Second row: Edell Bryant, Chick Hardisty, Ken Miller, Warren Demaris, John Stolp, Arne Lindgren, Bob Parke, George Scharpf, Bob Voegtly. Front row: Sam McGaughey, Bob Wagner, Bob Luddington, Howard Patterson, Walter Hopson. Picture appears on page 109 of the 1936 Oregana.