Eight-unit votive slip with double black border. Depicts a grey-haired man dancing with a fan to the music played by a grey-haired woman sitting and playing a shamisen. A broom and rake rest nearby. They are outside, denoted by tree branches hanging down in background. A small iron teapot rests between the pair. A scroll of votive slips with black writing opens in the upper left. Lower down along left edge is a red seal.
Two-unit votive slip with faded double black border. An old man with a long white beard holds a young child on his shoulder while others clambour around him holding up votive slips. A signature and red seal occupy the upper right corner. Votive panel with black text in upper left.
Single-unit votive slip with double black border. Nine small sumo wrestling figurines on two black oval platforms. Black text in top right corner, red seal in bottom left.
Single-unit votive slip with fading double black border. Background of vertical peach stripes. Black text on white patch along upper right edge. Red seal on white patch against lower right edge, opposite slip of white with black text along left edge. Upper left edge has slip with English text, reads: Okuru Starr Sane.
Single-unit votive slip with double black border. Two figures with conical hats, blue wave lines in upper right. Black text and red seal near lower left corner. Black text outside borde along lower right vertical edge.
Single-unit votive slip with double black border. Close-up image of face. Text outside border in upper right corner and lower right edge. Text and red seals within upper right border corner.