John B. Horner taught English and history at Oregon Agricultural College from 1891 until his death in 1933; founded the college museum; and wrote extensively on Oregon history and literature. He married Isabelle Skimpton on September 5, 1880.
William Arthur Jensen (1881 -1945) served as executive secretary for presidents Kerr and Peavy and was a member of the college's administrative council. He came to OAC in 1907. After President Kerr was in an auto accident and needed nearly a year to recover, Jensen served as the de facto president of OAC during Kerr's hiatus. The campus gates were dedicated to Jensen for his strong support of WPA art projects on campus during the 1930s.
Francois Archibald Gilfillan's (1893-1983) career at Oregon State spanned over sixty years as a student (B.S. Pharmacy, 1918), a professor of chemistry (1927-1939), acting president (1941-1942), and dean of science (1939-1962).
Mahlon Ellwood Smith was an English Professor, Dean of Basic Arts and Sciences, and Dean of the Lower Division for Oregon Agricultural College from 1919 until his retirement in 1949. He was an authority on the English fable and published extensively in philological and educational journals.
Bristow served on the college faculty from 1882 to 1894. He was principal of the preparatory department and also taught classes in bookkeeping and beekeeping.
Greer succeeded Margaret Snell as head of the Department of Domestic Science and Art in 1908, and was named the first dean as a result of President Kerr’s academic reorganization of the college. She served until spring 1911. Greer was a graduate of Vassar College and spent ten years as an instructor at New York’s Pratt Institute prior to coming to OAC.
Kate M. Jameson, Dean of Women from 1924-1941, added many programs to the purview of the office, including the Associated Women Students, Mortar Board, and other honorary societies.
U. G. Dubach was Dean of Men (far left), Kate Jameson was Dean of Women (fourth from left, wearing glasses), and Herbert T. Vance (far right) was the head of the Secretarial Science department.