View of large boulder dominating East Ritual Site, with several stylized deer, birthing women, hunting scenes and dwellings on upper part of stone. Entire stone has been pecked over, as if in a ritual activity. Stone faces out from the ritual site toward Turegtiin Ikh Uul on the south.
Several crude animals and small scene of a frontal figure with line (umbilical cord?) to animal. Beside this figure is that of a child, but possibly done by another hand. Small, broken boulder.
Massive, table-like boulder (""Table Rock"") covered with images all in same style and with same patina. Subjects include moose, elk, hunting scene, and a probable birthing woman.On a hidden terrace overlooking the BO valley.
Detail of massive ""Table Rock,"" with hunter in upper left carrying a large weapon and approaching a moose surrounded by dogs. A fine elk in the lower left and a birthing woman in the center.
Archaic birthing woman and several dancing figures, overlaid by a ""ghost"" image of an animal. This group is on the same large boulder as is RA_PETR_OI_0383, but does not appear to be related. Overlays.