Large scene with frontal figures, variety of animals, several large water birds, and possibly two figures in combat above. On long, sloping surface with much of the pecking muted from wear.
Man dressed in a tunic, carrying his bow and gorytus over his shoulder and leading a group of horses. Spatial extension is created by the path. Above the man and horses are three more recently pecked caprids. On low, deeply scraped bedrock.
Detail view of herder wearing tunic and carrying his bow in a gorytus. Note lead to the large horse, use of a line indicating a path or trail to create a sense of tangible space.
Section of large outcrop irregularly covered with lichen and including two scenes from very different periods. On the left, a large, ithyphallic figure with raised arm and tail-like appendage overlays a walking bovid. To the right, a small running dog, pecked in the same dense style as the man, is partially lost under lichen. Below, two crouching hunters and two fine argali are executed in a linear, engraved style.
Detail of large figure with raised arm, overlaying contoured, walking bovid. Quality of pecking and overlaid position suggests that the figure and dog were executed later than the bovid, creating a de facto herding scene. The crude, engraved figure below belongs with the Turkic period hunting scene to the right.