A round, stained glass piece. The center of the circle is divided into a pattern of squares and rectangles, some of which contain smaller circles and a free-form pattern that unites discreet sections. The squares in the design are a rusty, orange color, which breaks up the otherwise black, gray, or clear glass., Ed Carpenter; State Capitol, http://www.edcarpenter.net/profile/EdCarpenter_resume.pdf, http://www.edcarpenter.net/home/home.html, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
Inspiration for both sculputral form and text is the concept that each individual citizen does make a difference; that in government as well as in society the "whole" is measured by the sum of its parts. Quotations about importance of th eindividual's role in goverment and in society are etched into mosaic, sometimes bridging more than one section so that a viewer must hunt for the connecting text. Front Entry: 3 Sections--Sculpture in front of the building invites the viewer to sit for a moment and ask: "What is this about?" "Where can I find more information?" The color and dramatic shapes, located to the right of entry, counterbalance the canopy. Back Patio: 5 sections--These colorful, randomly-strewn puzzle pieces enliven the back patio and encourage the viewer to linger, to sit and connect with others, or to come down from second story and investigate., http://www.hkmeehan.com/; http://kathleenmeehan.com/, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
Murase Studio was selected by the Oregon Fire Service and the Oregon Arts Commission to design and develop a statewide memorial that honors firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice and given their lives in the line of duty. Located in the new Oregon Public Safety Academy, the memorial is designed to evoke solace and inspiration to those who continue to serve and also to the public it protects. The design incorporates a granite wall with a bronze Maltese cross that lists the names of those fallen and a black granite stripe in the plaza with the inscription, "In the Line of Duty." (Murase Studio, 2005), The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
A grouping of five bronze pieces that resemble rough stones on the surface. However, the forms curve toward one another, and several of them rest on narrow points., Hilda Morris; state capital; five parts in search of a circle, Born in New York in 1911, sculptor Hilda Morris studied at the Cooper Union School of Art and the Art Students League. Moving to Portland in 1941 with her husband, Carl Morris, she continued her 3-dimensional work and developed a personal style of calligr, http://web.pam.org/asp/special_exhibitions/exhibitions.asp?exhibitionID=47, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
Large, outdoor sculpture fabricated from stainless steel. The environment is reflected in the metal. In the background is a grassy area with trees. The sculpture sits on a flat closed-top concrete stand. Similar concrete planters surround the sculpture; each of the planters house a tree of unknown origin., Roger Barr; O-OH; printing plant, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may visit their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
A grouping of five bronze pieces that resemble rough stones on the surface. However, the forms curve toward one another, and several of them rest on narrow points., Hilda Morris; 5 parts in search of a circle; state capital, Born in New York in 1911, sculptor Hilda Morris studied at the Cooper Union School of Art and the Art Students League. Moving to Portland in 1941 with her husband, Carl Morris, she continued her 3-dimensional work and developed a personal style of calligr, http://web.pam.org/asp/special_exhibitions/exhibitions.asp?exhibitionID=47, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
A dimensional textured granite stone sculpture set in a horizontal position. The stone is segmented and raised from the ground by a stainless steel oblong platform., Michihiro Kosuge; Emerging (Commission); Dept. Motor Vehicles; Salem, OR; granite, stainless steel; ' 95; KosM004, http://www.laurarusso.com/artists/kosuge.html, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
A set of cast stone columns, situated in an outdoor setting. One of the concrete works promotes a linear theme, while the other assumes the fluid curves of nature. This view features one of the two pieces., annestorrs@msn.com, http://www.4culture.org/publicart/registry/parts/parts_artist.asp?ArtistID=34, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may visit their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
A detail view of a rock containing a small, black metallic drain. Water is pouring out of the drain and into a pond below it., Frank Boyden; granite and bronze fountain; 1992; garden for forensic psychiatrics bldg salem, Frank Boyden was born 1942, in Portland, OR. He attended Yale University, School of Art, achieving a M.F.A. and B.F.A., in Painting, 1968. In 1965, he attended Colorado College, where he received a B.A. in Art., http://www.laurarusso.com/artists/boyden.html, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may visit their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html
Two illuminated glass and metal cone shaped sculptures, mounted on a wall. The two sculptures have a green illumination, with horizontal lines visable over the entire glass sculpture., Conical & Tetra Sconces, RayKingStudio@RayKing.nu, http://www.rayking.nu/, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Mid-Valley Arts. You may view their website at: http://www.oregonlink.com/arts/index.html