Ernest J. Briskey was the Dean of Agricultural Science from 1979-1987 and professor of Animal Sciences from 1987-1998. Briskey studied the alterations undergone by meat tissue as it was produced by slaughterhouses for customers.
Brett Lemhouse graduated in 1988 with a degree in veterinary medicine. His focuses include large animal medicine and surgery. Lemhouse presently works at the Del Oeste Equine Hospital in Eugene.
Tim White was vice president of Oregon State University from 2000-2002 and helped establish the first branch campus, OSU-Cascades, located in Bend. White served as interim president from 2002-2003. White first arrived at OSU in 1996 as Dean of Health and Human Sciences.
Bill Wilkins was a faculty member and administrator at Oregon State University for 33 years. Wilkins became an assistant professor in Economics in 1961, then served as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts from 1982-1994.
Roy G. Arnold was the Dean of Agricultural Sciences, Provost and Executive Vice President of OSU. Arnold's focus was Food Science and Technology. From 1994-1995, Arnold was the National President of the Institute of Food Technologists.
Photo shows the presentation of the 1948 Radio Scholarship Prize by members of the Oregon State Broadcasters Association to two Oregon State College radio students. The prize was a check for $100 to each student for outstanding radio work at Oregon State College.