Mike (Mickey) Riley, son of Jack Riley, played second base for the Beavers from 1980-1983. He hit over .300 for the 1982 season and came close to the school record with an 18 game hitting streak--4 less than the mark set by All-American Pete Rowe. Photo was used in the Gazette Times and the Oregon Stater, April 1982, v.16 no.2, page 21.
Portland Freshman Bill Gassaway, Beavers' designated hitter, was one of the bright spots for a team that had its hitting problems. Photo was used in the Oregon Stater, April 1979, vol.13 no.3, page18.
When Jeff Doyle was 26 years old he played his first game in the big leagues on September 13, 1983, with the St. Louis Cardinals. He went in the 6th Round (136th) in the 1977 baseball draft. He played from 1975-1977.