Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "Sydney, the oldest town in Australia, is the capital of New South Wales and its chief seaport. With a population of 1,100,000 it compares in size with Cleveland. Sydney covers a large area. Its streets wind about like those of Boston, and it is facetiously said that the place was originally laid out by a bullock driver with a boomerang. Its magnificent harbor and the enterprise of its people have made Sydney the New York of Australia. The city does business with all the world. It is the terminus of a dozen great steamship lines connecting the continent with Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. Besides being linked up with all the great ports of the world, Sydney is a center of trade along the coast and with the countless islands of the South Seas."
Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "There is a reef in the fairway but since it runs parallel with the direct of incoming and outgoing vessels, it is an advantage rather than a drawback, for it divides the harbor into two deep-sea channels."
The population of Sydney is 905,907. This is an increase of more than 16 percent in the past ten years. It is the capital of the province of New South Wales and chief port of Australia. It has a broad, deep harbor, with 25 miles of docks where even the largest vessels can enter.