Hi-line logging at Weyerhaeuser Camp #7, near the Green River which is a tributary to North Fork Toutle River, Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington), Location Notes: Spirit Lake and Mount Saint Helens, Toutle River tributary to Cowlitz River (Washington)
Loading logs on flat cars at Weyerhaeuser Camp #7, Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington), Location Notes: Spirit Lake and Mount Saint Helens, Toutle River tributary to Cowlitz River (Washington)
Lower end of big log jam in box canyon on Niggerhead Creek. It is a barrier to fish at this point. The Creek is 35 feet wide and the jam is 25 feet high, Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington)
20 foot dam and falls on Cedar Creek near Hall, Washington. Photo shows nearly low-water stage, Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington)
Looking down small box canyon on Niggerhead Creek, tributary to Cispus River, 500 yards above road bridge. The stream is 35 feet wide, Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington)
Black Falls near Polar Star Mine. The falls are about 60 feet high and are a barrier at all times., Location Notes: Lower Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington), Location Notes: Black Falls (Washington), Location Notes: Spirit Lake and Mount Saint Helens, Toutle River tributary to Cowlitz River (Washington)
White oak - ponderosa pine association north of Goldendale, Washington on the Klickitat River, Location Notes: Middle Columbia River Watershed (Oregon and Washington), Location Notes: Columbia River and tributaries (Oregon and Washington)