Telegram from U.S. Olympic Committee Chairman K.L. Wilson to University of Oregon Athletic Publicity Director, Art Litchman, congratulating him on the idea to hold a pre-Olympics exhibition and suggesting he share the idea with others.
23-page program for an exhibition track meet held at the University of Oregon on September 3, 1956. This was the first U.S. Track Team Exhibition Meet. The meet drew participants from around the globe. Eight world record holders, including Charlie Dumas (high jump) and Franklin Held (javelin), participated in the meet. Of the 36 U.S. Olympic team members scheduled to take part in the meet, only 29 competed. Other entrants included collegiate stars and international athletes, many of whom were Olympians.
5 p. Brochure for Olympic Coaching Clinic held from June 26 through July 8, in conjunction with the 1972 Olympic Trials in Track and Field at the University of Oregon. Two University of Oregon track coaches, Bill Bowerman and Bill Dellinger, are among the 12 experts in track and fields serving as clinicians for the event.