Plot on left fertilized with muriate of potash and plot on right with sulfate of potash. The same amount of potash was supplied to the two plots. The muriate of potash contained no sulfur, while the sulfate of potash supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the poor yield and light color on the muriate-of-potash plot and the heavy yield and dark color on the sulfate-of-potash plot.
Plot on left fertilized with muriate of potash and plot on right with sulfate of potash. The same amount of potash was supplied to the two plots. The muriate of potash contained no sulfur, while the sulfate of potash supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the poor yield and light color on the muriate-of-potash plot and the heavy yield and dark color on the sulfate-of-potash plot.
Plot on left fertilized with muriate of potash and plot on right with sulfate of potash. The same amount of potash was supplied to the two plots. The muriate of potash contained no sulfur, while the sulfate of potash supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the poor yield and light color on the muriate-of-potash plot and the heavy yield and dark color on the sulfate-of-potash plot.
Plot on left fertilized with muriate of potash and plot on right with sulfate of potash. The same amount of potash was supplied to the two plots. The muriate of potash contained no sulfur, while the sulfate of potash supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the poor yield and light color on the muriate-of-potash plot and the heavy yield and dark color on the sulfate-of-potash plot.
Plot on left fertilized with muriate of potash and plot on right with sulfate of potash. The same amount of potash was supplied to the two plots. The muriate of potash contained no sulfur, while the sulfate of potash supplied sulfur at the rate of 100 pounds to the acre. Note the poor yield and light color on the muriate-of-potash plot and the heavy yield and dark color on the sulfate-of-potash plot.