The child in this photo is Oscar's son who is full grown now. Back row right is Cristian Curiel; five over is German Rodriguez & first standing row two from right is his wife. Jose Diaz is second row right.
Dr. Margaret Fox, assistant professor, taught classes through OSU's Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) from 1982 to 2007. These eight photos are from the bulletin board of Fox’s EOP office in Waldo Hall. Images include EOP staff and students as well as photos of College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) participants, and a photo of a group of 1985 Cinco de Mayo celebration participants.
Cinco de Mayo celebration participants: (left to right) Audrey Bliven, Lalia Husen, Laura Roman, Linda Velma, Blanca Acuna, Narcedalia Rodriguez, Gisela Becuna, Lisa Contraias, dating Jose Perfecto (name unknown), Lupe Martinez, (name unknown). Location: potentially the Memorial Union dressing room.