Absence is Yoon's reaction to the events of September 11, 2001, when two jets collided with the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. The 121 page book has no markings or printing of any sort; instead it is illustrated with the cut aways from each page. The cutaways resemble a tiny round hole for the first nine pages before expanding to two adjacent squares, representing the foot print of the WTC. The last page shows the surrounding buildings. Yoon has created a book that is about what is no longer in the world, just as she has excised the material from within the book.
Amy Pirkle dedicated this book to her grandmother of whom she says: " As far back as I can remember, I knew that when I walked into my grandmother's kitchen in South Georgia, I'd find her in the kitchen with a hot batch of biscuits made from scratch." This short book reflects that warm childhood memory with paper the color of baked biscuits and simple duo- or tri-colored linocut images. Several fold out pages are included. Letter press printed in metal types on Nideggen mould made paper. Pamphlet bound with hard, split boards covered with lino-cut printed paper. Signed by the artist. This book was purchased with Kiyoko by Sara Pirkle Hughes from the Maternal Legends exhibit at 23 Sandy Gallery in Portland, OR (December 5, 2008-January 3, 2009) which was juried by Cara List, Art and Architecture Librarian, University of Oregon.
Drawings, mostly done in red ink, with handwritten titles or notes are juxtiposed with collages of color photographs. Text in Danish. Paperback with dust jacket.